Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reflections on a Margarita #5: EZ does it.

I got stopped by one of Ft. Bend's finest on the way home from work. Speeding? Nope. Tail light out? Nope. Expired tags? Nope. I'm a suspected EZ Tag violator - a hardcore crime in these parts. I think the penalty is a lot harsher for not paying toll road fees than it is for killing an endangered species or burning down a building.

Not that I'd do any of those things, but then I didn't skip out on paying my toll either. It turns out we were supposed to update our account with the new license plate number. Sheez. You'd think that somewhere they would have posted this information? Or maybe we might have gotten an email reminder or something that our license plates were not current on the account?

But noooo. They would much rather stop me with flashing lights and sirens. I think it was a great use of the policeman's time. I am much more dangerous than the guys that were going 95 miles an hour in a 65 zone while talking on a cell phone.

So I went home and updated my license plate information.

Don't you feel a whole lot safer now?

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