Monday, August 2, 2010

Reflections on a Margarita #8

The larger the city, the larger the ego.

I have wondered for some time about TSA agents at the airports across the United States.

In my unofficial random sampling of TSA agents around the United States I have noticed a running theme: The larger the city, the larger the ego.

Anyway, one day after being felt-up once again by one of these agents after I refused to go through the Nude-O-Scope (full body scanner – but that’s another blog unto itself) I decided to find out the qualifications required to apply for a job with the Transportation Security Administration. Here are the requirements as listed on the TSA official website.


Have reached his/her 18th birthday at the time of application submission;

Be proficient in English (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, and listening);

Have a high school diploma, GED or equivalent

These are the people going through my personal items, ordering me around, touching my body, and telling me to step into a virtual strip search machine. The TSA agents are not required to submit to the same process, even if they are traveling for personal reasons and out of uniform.

The least educated of our society are given the most powerful positions when it comes to air travel. The average business traveler is college-educated, professional – and forced into submission. Is it any wonder that the agents are arrogant?

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