Friday, June 24, 2011

An evening under the Fun

I didn't actually stay in the MCM Grande FunDome in DeSoto, Texas, but I attended an event there so it's fair game for my blog.

I was speaking at an event, so I was dressed appropriately in a black business suit. When I walked into the hotel atrium it was like walking into a sauna. It was miserable, not only for me but for all those other people that were dressed in their finery.

But even worse than that was the banquet food. It was just plain awful. Banquet food is usually pretty bad - dry chicken, rice, and something green. But this took bad banquet food to a whole new level. The dinner plate held chicken-fried steak (sprinkled with dried parsley), potatoes, and cooked carrots. The potatoes had so much garlic in them that no self-respecting vampire could remain in the room. But the real problem was that the hotel provided one gravy boat for every four people at the table. Now, if you are from anywhere in the South you know that us "Southerners" use about two normal-sized gravy boats on one steak. What were they thinking?? That was just wrong.

Anyway, in spite of the gravy, the event was pleasant and I was honored to speak to the group. Then I left.

When I went out of the banquet hall I walked into a sea of white. For a minute I thought the "white people" had followed me from the Dallas Intercontinental... White shirts, white pants, white saris, white shoes, white turbans, white scarves, white shawls.

And there I was, dressed in black. I felt a bit like the angel of death might feel walking through a crowd of people on their way to the light.

Yup. That was weird.

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