Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reflections on a Margarita #2

Today's topic is airplane etiquette.

I've had a cowboy go to sleep on my shoulder, ignored babies crying, listened to people arguing politics, endured the story of more than one stranger's life, been sandwiched between two very large people, and had a beverage dumped on me. I've held my breath when a passenger had to share with us his over-spiced dinner, listened to lavatory sounds, and been hit on the head by fellow passenger's carry on luggage. Once, my foot was stomped on so hard it was bruised for life.

These are a few of the things all air travelers experience on a regular basis.

But nothing has been as annoying as the guy seated two seats over on my last flight. We had an empty seat between us, a very unusual thing on flights these days. I figured it was because it was a late evening flight. Anyway, as soon as we were seated on the plane until we arrived an hour and a half later, this guy shook his foot. You know the kind of foot shaking I'm referring to. We've all seen it. I'm sure it's a nervous habit. But did you know that kind of foot shaking shakes the whole row of seats on the plane? I'm convinced it even shook the entire plane. I have never been susceptible to any type of motion sickness, but I actually started getting a little queasy from the back and forth motion. And it never stopped! I could feel it through the entire flight. I wanted to throw my bag of peanuts at him, but I didn't.

I just added him to my list of things that happen on an airplane.

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